December 2023–Bryan Davis obtained a $1,300,000 settlement for an in-home care provider against the New Mexico Human Services Department (“HSD”). HSD suspended Medicaid payments to the provider in May 2017 based on allegations that the provider was billing for in-home care services to Medicaid clients who were not eligible for services. After the New Mexico Attorney General Medicaid Fraud Unit cleared the provider of fraudulent conduct and settled with the company for a $17,000 overpayment, Mr. Davis sued HSD on the provider’s behalf for breach of contract alleging that HSD withheld payments for more than a temporary period of time as required by federal regulations governing Medicaid payment suspensions. First Judicial District Judge Francis Mathew granted summary judgment in for the provider against HSD on liability for breach of contract and scheduled a trial on damages in February 2024. Bryan successfully negotiated a $1,300,000 settlement on the provider’s behalf in lieu of proceeding to trial. This was the latest in a string of large settlements that Mr. Davis has obtained for Medicaid providers against HSD for wrongful Medicaid payment suspensions, including a landmark $10,000,000 settlement for five providers in 2019, brining Mr. Davis’s total recoveries for Medicaid providers to over $15,300,000 since 2018.