Bryan Davis settles another Medicaid provider payment dispute with the New Mexico Human Services Department (“HSD”). HSD suspended Medicaid payments to the provider in 2012 based on allegations that the provider was upcoding and overbilling for behavioral healthcare services to Medicaid clients. After HSD established a $441,997 overpayment to the provider through administrative proceedings in 2016, Mr. Davis appealed the decision on the provider’s behalf and sued HSD for breach of contract alleging that HSD withheld payments for more than a temporary period of time as required by federal regulations governing Medicaid payment suspensions. The $441,997 overpayment was initially affirmed on appeal to the District Court, however, Mr. Davis fought on to the Court of Appeals, which partially overturned the overpayment on the allegedly upcoded claims. The Court of Appeals remanded the case back to the District Court, and Mr. Davis negotiated a settlement where HSD dropped its $441,997 overpayment claim and paid the provider $20,000. This was the latest in a string of settlements that Mr. Davis has obtained for Medicaid providers against HSD for wrongful Medicaid payment suspensions, including a landmark $10,000,000 settlement for five providers in 2019, brining Mr. Davis’s total recoveries for Medicaid providers against HSD to over $15,300,000 since 2018.